FPC TWAM Mission Trip June 15-21, 2024

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Parent/Guardian Information

Mission Trip Covenant

A Covenant is a promise that God makes to us, that we make to God, and that we make with one another. Covenants enable us to be a Christ-centered community. The following are the promises we make to one another to ensure that we can best represent our faith while we travel in Mexico. We make these promises knowing that none of us can keep this covenant perfectly and that we are guided by God’s grace and forgiveness when we mess up.

1. I will, with God’s help, promise to live out the following TWAM Mission Trip Covenant, and I will encourage and challenge others to live up to this covenant as well.

2. I will, with God’s help, promise to be timely, hardworking, and a joyful presence amidst others. I promise to follow the rules of YWAM and our Church, which means living with respect towards one another, those we serve, and the Mexican culture.

3. I will, with God’s help, promise to have my speech toward others and myself be guided by compassion. I promise to approach the trip with a posture of humility and servant-heartedness, which means working well with others, leaving my comfort zones, reflecting God in all I do, keeping an open mind, and listening respectfully to the loving instructions of my leaders. In every place I go, I promise to represent the love, hope, joy, and peace of the gospel of Jesus Christ, exhibiting the gospel values of my family, my Church, and my community at home.  Above all else, I promise to bear witness to the love Jesus Christ has for the world.

4. I will, with God’s help, promise to see this Mission trip as an occasion to engage in community and to embrace those different from me. If I have a significant other on this trip or develop a significant other, I will refrain from any sensual or sexual contact with them. In this way, I will respect the purpose of the trip, the values of Mexican culture, and give myself the occasion to focus on building friendships.

5. I will, with God’s help, promise to dress in a way that respects the culture in which I am working and that meets the expectations of our hosts, YWAM (see packing list for these requirements).

6. I will, with God’s help, promise that I will not bring any prohibited items to Mexico or obtain such items in Mexico. I understand that the use of and/or possession of alcoholic beverages or drugs, flammables, or medications that you cannot buy over the counter at a drug store and/or that have not been prescribed by a doctor to me, will not be tolerated under any circumstances.

7. I understand that I am not perfect and will likely miss the mark on living out this covenant on several occasions (as will my leaders). Even so, I understand that certain violations of this covenant may need to result in appropriate actions of discernment, including calling parents/guardians or, in extreme cases, being sent home.

Each youth and their parent should sign this covenant. It is a commitment to an experience in which God will be at work in your life and in the life of others.

FPC Overnight Activities Permission-Release Form

Rev. Josh Musser Gritter (616-218-5375)


June 15-21, 2024


San Antonio del Mar, Mexico 


I give my permission for my above named child/youth to join the above mentioned activity with First Presbyterian Church away from the church grounds. Emergency contact number for the Activity Leader will be provided to parents/guardians. Every effort for safety will be taken.

I hereby release First Presbyterian Church, its staff, volunteers and activity leaders from responsibility and liability for any injury or illness that my child may sustain during this activity. In the event of an emergency, I hereby authorize an adult leader, as agent for me, to consent to any X-ray, examination, medical, dental or surgical diagnosis; treatment and hospital care advised and supervised by a physician, surgeon, or dentist (as appropriate) licensed to practice under the laws of the state where the services are rendered. I expect to be contacted as soon as possible.

State of North Carolina Release

I do hereby hold harmless and release First Presbyterian Church, 308 West Fisher Street, Salisbury, North Carolina, and any of its agents, directors, and trustees from any and all liability arising from any and all claims resulting from potential injuries and/or illnesses that I might receive while taking part in the mission trip to Mexico.

I fully understand that First Presbyterian Church is not responsible for the trip in any manner, including transportation to Mexico, back to Salisbury, North Carolina, housing, food, and transportation while in Mexico, the safety of travelers of the sanitation or cleanliness of the facilities used.

Breach of Covenants of Conduct. I understand and agree that if my child breeches that Covenant of Conduct by not staying with the group or if my child drinks alcohol or uses/purchases controlled drugs, the Leaders will telephone me and send my child home on the earliest flight. I will be fully responsible for and hereby promise to reimburse the leader for all necessary expenses incurred in this event. I understand that my internet, technology, and social media usage is to be limited and appropriate, promising to focus my time and energy on the group and those we serve.

I give permission for any adult leader to sign any forms necessary for medical treatment for my youth while on the trip.

Youth Medical Information

Release for Video/Photos

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Parental Notarized Consent

Parents and Guardians,

For any youth under 18 years of age not traveling with both legal parents/guardians, an Affidavit of Parental Consent is required. This form must be notarized.

See the church office for this form. Please read the document carefully. All parents/guardians are required to complete the form if not traveling with your youth. If one parent/guardian is traveling with your youth, the other parent/guardian must complete the form. (Death certificates, divorce papers, and a certified copy of guardianship may be required depending on the family circumstances.)

The church does not have a notary on staff. Your local bank should have notaries available.



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